Repository Configuration

To automatically view values from Flight Recorder in the source code, you need to connect your git repository to the application.

To configure your application's repository in Revdebug, follow these steps:

  1. Access application settings - In the upper-right corner, click the "Settings" button to open the application's settings.

  2. Navigate to the selected application - Go to the application where you want to set up the repository configuration.

  1. Expand "Repository Configuration" settings - Find and expand the "Repository Configuration" section to reveal the configuration options.

  1. Fill in the required fields - Complete the form by providing the necessary information:

  • Git Username

  • Git Password

  • Repository Address

  1. Save the configuration - After filling in the fields, confirm your setup by clicking the "Save" button.

Verifying the Configuration

If the configuration is successful, the Current Status field will display the message: "GIT: idle."

In case of an error, a relevant error message will appear in the same field.

Optional Fields

Last updated