C# Azure Functions

How to enable error reporting and monitoring for Azure Functions (serverless)

Adding RevDeBug NuGet packages

First, add a RevDeBug NuGet repository:

Please refer to detailed instructions on the main C# manual page.

For Azure Function project install two NuGet packages:

  • RevDeBug.Net.Compilers.Toolset

  • RevDeBugAPM.Agent.AzureFunction

Configure the RevDeBug build time connection as described on the main C# manual page.

Setting the RevDeBug recording server address and service name

Using the Azure Portal set two environment variables (application settings) for Azure Functions:

  • SKYWALKING__SERVICENAME - set to your Function Name

  • SKYWALKING__TRANSPORT__GRPC__SERVERS - set to address of RevDeBug server instance with 11800 port number appended at the end, eg. revdebug.server.name:11800

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