
How to setup recording & monitoring for Java applications


To enable RevDeBug in your Java application you will need to:

Adding RevDeBug repository

Add the following lines to the super pom.xml / build.gradle file in the Java application main node:

        <name>RevDeBug Maven Repo</name>

Adding RevDeBug dependency

Add the following lines to the super pom.xml / build.gradle file in the Java application main node:


For spring-boot projects additional exclusion in pom.xml is needed (without it build time dependencies will be packaged with application):


Configure the connection to RevDeBug Server

RevDeBug can be easily added to all projects in the working directory. But if you want, you can add RevDeBug to the selected subset. In the examples below substitute [SERVER_ADDRESS] for actual fully qualified domain address of RevDeBug server.


Spring Boot Starter Parent

If you are using a spring-boot-starter-parent, make sure its version is equal to or greater than 1.4.0, earlier versions are not supported.

   <relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->

Additional configuration for Java 17+

Starting from Java 17 you need to add additional exports to JVM arguments.


  • Gradle 7+ or Maven

For Gradle, create or edit in your project's root directory by adding:
org.gradle.jvmargs = --add-exports=jdk.compiler/ \
                     --add-exports=jdk.compiler/ \
                     --add-exports=jdk.compiler/ \
                     --add-exports=jdk.compiler/ \
                     --add-exports=jdk.compiler/ \
                     --add-exports=jdk.compiler/ \
                     --add-exports=jdk.compiler/ \
                     --add-exports=jdk.compiler/ \
                     --add-exports=jdk.compiler/ \

Adding --add-exports directly in build.gradle file wouldn't work - it is a known Gradle issue (link).

For Maven, create .mvn directory in the project's root directory (or in the user's $HOME directory) and create a jvm.config file in it with the following contents:

--add-exports jdk.compiler/
--add-exports jdk.compiler/
--add-exports jdk.compiler/
--add-exports jdk.compiler/
--add-exports jdk.compiler/
--add-exports jdk.compiler/
--add-exports jdk.compiler/
--add-exports jdk.compiler/
--add-exports jdk.compiler/
--add-exports jdk.compiler/

Settings overview

There are configurable fields in the connection section of RevDeBug DevOps Monitor:



Usage: Fully qualified domain name (recommended) or an IP address of RevDeBug Server. RevDeBug compile process sends metadata needed to replay recordings of program execution to this server - controlled by 'UPLOAD_METADATA' settings (by default it sends the metadata). When several RevDeBug Servers should receive the emitted metadata, put all of their fully qualified domain names separated by a comma.

Example value: ''.

Can be overridden at runtime using environment variable 'recordServerAddress'.


Usage: TCP/IP port number of RevDeBug Server. Defaults to 42734 and should not be changed in most cases.

Example value: '42734'.

Can be overridden at runtime using environment variable 'recordServerPort'.


Usage: Additional distinguishing name for desktop tray companion application. In most cases, not set up during compile time but overridden at the runtime level through environment variables.

Example value: 'MainProcessingService-user1'.

Can be overridden at runtime using environment variable 'applicationName'.


Usage: Main application name - application will be listed under this name on the applications list on the RevDeBug Server 'Monitor' tab. Usually not needed to be set as it is automatically determined from on-disk directory name of the project.

Example value: 'MainProcessingService'.

Can be overridden at runtime using environment variable 'solutionName'.


Usage: Human readable release name corresponding to current commit ID. Could be set to a tag name or manually incremented version number in the build file. Example value: '1.3'.

Can be overridden at runtime using environment variable 'releaseDisplayName'.


Usage: First eight characters of current git commit id (hash). Determined automatically, but in case it would not find the correct repository eg. when using submodules, it can be overridden by configuration in the build file.

Example value: 'f937b564'.

Can be overridden at runtime using environment variable 'releaseId'.


Usage: Absolute directory path where RevDeBug metadata files will be placed. Determined automatically, no need to change in most cases.

Example value: (in gradle build file) '${projectDir}/build/'.


Usage: Control whether the metadata generated during compilation will be sent to the server at the end of compilation. Sending metadata is required to be able to open and replay recordings.

Defaults to 'true'.

Example value: 'false'.


Usage: Forces and expects a secure connection to RevDeBug Server. This value needs to correspond to TLS settings on the RevDeBug server. On values mismatch, RevDeBug will fail to operate.

Defaults to 'false'.

Example value: 'true'.

Can be overridden at runtime using environment variable 'forceTLS'.


Usage: Fully qualified domain name (recommended) or an IP address of RevDeBug Server used to send metadata during compile time. RevDeBug compile process sends metadata needed to replay recordings of program execution to this server. When this option is set, metadata will be sent to this server instead of the default set by REVDEBUG_SERVER_HOSTNAME option. When left empty, metadata will be sent to the default RevDeBug Server. Controlled by 'UPLOAD_METADATA' settings (by default it sends the metadata).

Example value: ''


Usage: Disables RevDeBug compilation. If set to true it would make project compilation behave as RevDeBug compile-time dependency would not be added at all. Could be useful for local development and can be set via environment variable on a developers' machines.

Defaults to 'false'.

Example value: 'false'.

Can be overridden at runtime using environment variable 'REVDEBUG_OFF'.


Usage: Enables or disables (default) treating log.error(...) calls as if exception/error would be thrown. The message passed to log.error call will be used as an exception/error message and have associated stacktrace corresponding to the log.error call. Required to set up also REVDEBUG_LOG_ERROR_CLASS to a fully qualified name of the logger class used and REVDEBUG_LOG_ERROR_METHOD to a method used to denote an error message (ie. 'error' or 'severe').

Disabled automatically when REVDEBUG_TRACE_BEFORE_LINE is disabled.

Example value: 'false'.


Define logger class to use for log.error() recording. Must be a fully qualified name, such as ‘org.apache.log4j.Logger’


Usage: Method name used to log error message while using the selected logger class (using REVDEBUG_LOG_ERROR_CLASS option).

Example value: 'error' or 'severe'.


Usage: Displays RevDeBug Java library settings and their descriptions and immediately stops the compilation.

Example value: 'true'.


Usage: Instructs RevDeBug Compiler to automatically generate RDBDisplay rules for every class in the compiled project (i.e. which compiler compiles) that overrides toString() method. This requires a performance consideration as RevDeBug will use implemented toString() methods to serialize the state of the object during runtime.

Defaults to 'false' (do not generate RDBDisplay rules automatically)

Example value: 'true'.


Usage: Instructs RevDeBug Compiler to automatically generate RDBDisplay rules for displaying first elements of arrays of basic types (Integers, String, etc). This requires a performance consideration as RevDeBug will serialize the state of those arrays during runtime.

Defaults to 'false' (do not generate RDBDisplay rules automatically) Example value: 'true'.


Usage: Instructs RevDeBug Compiler to automatically generate RDBDisplay rules for all classes matching this regexp list granting they have standard toString() method implemented. The classes does not need to have source code available in the current project (i.e., it works for libraries as well). Defaults: none. Example value: 'com\.mycompany\.dto\..*'.


Usage: Instructs RevDeBug Compiler to automatically generate RDBDisplay rules for displaying first elements of collections of basic types (Integers, String, etc). This requires a performance consideration as RevDeBug will serialize the state of those/ collections during runtime.

Defaults to 'false' (do not generate RDBDisplay rules automatically)

Example value: 'true'.


Usage: Comma separated list of fully qualified method names that are too large for fullRevDeBug instrumentation. Methods matching the list will only receive basic instrumentation of recording input parameters and method enter and method exit events. Methods declared in an inline declared classes cannot be matched, ie. Object obj = new ClassXYZ() { public method() { ... } }. List items should be regular expressions. White spaces around separating commas are ignored.

Example: 'com.hello.World.getApplicationStatus()' - will match getApplicationStatus() method in the 'World' class of 'com.hello package'.


Usage: Comma separated list of fully qualified methods to be excluded from being recorded. Methods declared in an inline declared classes cannot be matched, ie. Object obj = new ClassXYZ() { public method() { ... } }. List items should be regular expressions. White spaces around separating commas are ignored.

Example: 'com.hello.World.getApplicationStatus()' - will match getApplicationStatus() method in the 'World' class of 'com.hello package'.


Usage: Comma separated list of classes to be excluded from being recorded. List items should be regular expressions. White spaces around separating commas are ignored. Example: 'com.hello.World' will match World class file or '.*Options$' will match every class name ending with 'Options' (keep in mind the dollar sign is escaped - in most cases it needs to be).


Usage: Major version of Java C Compiler RevDeBug should assume. Normally it is automatically determined, but can be overridden.

Example value: '9'.


Usage: Instruments every class and method (the default and a 'false' value) or (when 'true') only classes that are annotated with @RevDeBugConfig.Annotation.Include.


Usage: Enables (default) or disables catching and recording of unhandled exceptions. Example value: 'true'.


Usage: Enables (default) or disables recording of values of return statements. Example value: 'true'.


Usage: Enables (default) or disables recording of changes/mutations or variables' values.

Example value: 'true'.


Usage: Enables (default) or disables recording of before line execution events. Disabling will also disable recording of log.error(...) calls as errors (separately toggleable using REVDEBUG_TRACE_LOG_ERROR)

Example value: 'true'.


Usage: Enables (default) or disables recording of method calls and their parameters.

Example value: 'true'.


Usage: Enables (default) or disables recording of before line execution events. Disabling will also disable recording of log.error(...) calls as errors (separately toggleable using REVDEBUG_TRACE_LOG_ERROR)

Example value: 'true'.


Usage: Enables (default) or disables recording of switch statement variables. Example value: 'true'.


Usage: Enables (default) or disables recording of conditional statements.

Example value: 'true'.


Usage: Enables (default) or disables recording of methods/lambdas parameters.

Example value: 'true'.


Usage: Enables (default) or disables recording of lambdas in general.

Example value: 'true'.


Usage: Sets the verbosity of RevDeBug logging during compilation process.

Defaults to INFO.

Increase to VERBOSE or even ALL when encountering compilation process failures with RevDeBug.

Can be overridden at runtime using environment variable 'REVDEBUG_VERBOSE'.


Usage: Control whether the compilation process should hard stop when metadata would not be sent to the server Sending metadata is required to be able to open and replay recordings.

Defaults to 'false'.

Example value: 'true'.


Usage: Authorization token obtained from RevDeBug Server. If not set or with a wrong value and RevDeBug Server was set to require authorization from application will cause RevDeBug metadata and recordings to fail when sending to the Server.

Example value: '2c2f4a6ea2ea467382fabaee59106907'.

Can be overridden at runtime using environment variable 'authorizationToken'.


Usage: Size of the recording buffer limiting how many 'statements' are kept in the recording counting back from the moment the recording was stored (i.e. an error usually).

Defaults to 1000.

Example value: '5000'. Can be overridden at runtime using environment variable 'backlogSize'.


Usage: When set to 'true' RevDeBug will record exceptions only when there is a corresponding trace so if sampling per 3 sec is set on APM side, Flight Recorder will also sample recordings.

Defaults to 'false'.

Example value: 'false'.


Usage: Disables creation of RevDeBug.setup resource containing default runtime configuration for application. Only useful when used in conjunction with RevDeBug APM Agent which can supply the configuration from its own or when setting all required settings manually by environment variables (not recommended). Defaults to 'false'.

Example value: 'true'.


Usage: Length of recorded strings.

Defaults to: 256.

Example value: 128.


Usage: Comma separated list of fully qualified method signatures to which calls won't get instrumented. Return values of the calls will still be recorded. List items should be regular expressions. White spaces around separating commas are ignored. Defaults: '*,*,'


Usage: Comma separated list of fully qualified methods to be excluded from being recorded. Methods declared in an inline declared classes cannot be matched, ie. Object obj = new ClassXYZ() { public method() { ... } }. List items should be regular expressions. White spaces around separating commas are ignored.

Defaults to

.*\\.toString\\(\\)\$,.*\\.clone\\(\\)\$,.*\\.hashCode\\(\\)\$,.*\\.get.*\$,.*\\.set.*\$,.*\\.is.*\$ Example: 'com.hello.World.getApplicationStatus()' - will match getApplicationStatus() method in the 'World' class of 'com.hello package'.


Usage: Comma separated list of fully qualified method names that will have their recording disabled. Methods matching the list will temporarily disable recording till their end, so even recording-enabled methods called from them won't get recorded (i.e. disabling with 'inheritance'). Methods declared in an inline declared classes cannot be matched, ie. Object obj = new ClassXYZ() { public method() { ... } }. List items should be regular expressions. White spaces around separating commas are ignored. Example: 'com.hello.World.getApplicationStatus()' - will match getApplicationStatus() method in the 'World' class of 'com.hello package'.

Add RevDeBug Java Agent

  • Download java-agent from nexus repo:

  • Unzip the archive and modify config/agent.config file

    • agent.service_name set to your app name

      • If you want to group applications in the services view, add a group name before your application name, according to this scheme: group_name::application_name.

    • collector.backend_service set to point to your record server instance

    • agent.force_tls set to true if your RevDeBug DevOps Monitor instance has been configured to work with an SSL certificate.

    • agent.instance_name set to your instance name. The instance name serves as the unique identifier for an instance within the service. In case it is left empty, the agent will generate a 32-bit UUID. By default, the instance name is set as UUID@hostname. The maximum allowed length is 50 characters (UTF-8 encoding). For example, if you want to name your instance my-instance-001 you can use the environment variable: SW_AGENT_INSTANCE_NAME=my-instance-001

  • Attach unzipped agent to your app with java argument: -javaagent:[Path-to-unzipped-agent]/agent/skywalking-agent.jar

Trace sampling

  • agent.sample_n_per_3_secs is a parameter related to an agent that employs a sampling method within a specific time interval. It determines the number of sampled traces the agent will collect within a duration of 3 seconds.

    Defaults to: 100

    Example value: 12

    Range: -1 to 2147483647

  • agent.sample_percentage, similar to sample_n_per_3_secs, is responsible for trace sampling. However, in this case, sampling is not time-dependent; instead, it is based solely on a percentage probability.

    Defaults to: -1

    Example value: 30

    Range: -1 to 100

To turn off agent.sample_n_per_3_secs or agent.sample_percentage set the value to 0 or -1.

In case both limits are set sample_n_per_3_secs acts as the top limit whilst the traces below this limit will still be sampled according to the percentage set in sample_percentage

Ignoring Paths in Distributed Tracing

The entire trace ignore process is defined in the ./config/apm-trace-ignore-plugin.config file

To understand and configure the option for ignoring paths in distributed tracing, we must comprehend the syntax and path matching patterns.


The trace.ignore_path option allows you to define a list of path patterns that should be ignored by the distributed tracing system. Here is the syntax of this option:


Where pattern1, pattern2, etc., are the path patterns to be ignored. These patterns are separated by commas.

Path Matching Patterns

Path matching patterns are used to specify which paths should be ignored by the tracing system. Here are the available patterns:

  • ** - Matches any sequence of characters (including empty strings) in the path and supports multi-level directories.

Default Values

If the trace.ignore_path an option is not configured, it takes the following default values:


This means that by default, the distributed tracing system will ignore all requests starting with /webjars/ or /resources/ and followed by any characters.

Custom Configurations

You can customize this behavior by configuring the trace.ignore_path option according to your needs. For example, if you want to add additional patterns to ignore, append them to the list, separated by commas:


In the above example, additional patterns were added also to ignore requests starting with /eureka/ and /consul/.

Make sure to thoroughly test your changes to avoid unexpected behavior in the tracing system.

In general, the trace.ignore_path option allows for more precise control over which requests are ignored by the tracing system, which can be useful in certain scenarios, such as requests related to static resources.

Plugins config

SQL parameters in Traces

  • If set to true, the parameters of the SQL (typically java.sql.PreparedStatement) will be collected. plugin.jdbc.trace_sql_parameters=${SW_JDBC_TRACE_SQL_PARAMETERS:false}

  • If set to a positive number, the db.sql.parameters will be truncated to this length. Otherwise, they will be completely saved, which may cause performance problems. plugin.jdbc.sql_parameters_max_length=${SW_PLUGIN_JDBC_SQL_PARAMETERS_MAX_LENGTH:512}

  • If set to a positive number, the db.statement will be truncated to this length. Otherwise, it will be completely saved, which may cause performance problems. plugin.jdbc.sql_body_max_length=${SW_PLUGIN_JDBC_SQL_BODY_MAX_LENGTH:2048}

MongoDB NoSQL parameters in Traces

  • If set to true, trace all parameters in MongoDB access. Default is false. plugin.mongodb.trace_param=${SW_PLUGIN_MONGODB_TRACE_PARAM:true}

  • If set to a positive number, WriteRequest.params will be truncated to this length. Otherwise, they will be completely saved, which may cause performance problems.plugin.mongodb.filter_length_limit=${SW_PLUGIN_MONGODB_FILTER_LENGTH_LIMIT:256}

Controlling RevDeBug with environment variables

Put RevDeBug in Standby mode

Once the application is compiled with RevDeBug it reports exceptions and traces to the RevDeBug server. If you want to put RevDeBug in standby mode you have to set those environment variables and restart your application:


Disable RevDeBug from instrumenting application

If you want to completely disable RevDeBug from attaching to your application during compilation you can set the following environment variable on your build server and recompile:


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